
Environmental analysis fits exceptionally well within the Harvey Mudd College mission to train students who combine technical rigor and engagement with pressing social issues. 对环境课程的需求一直很大, 研究经历, 以及学院的诊所. The emphasis in environmental analysis provides a curricular program to help students move through their environmental studies in a coherent and cumulative fashion.

环境分析的重点不是专业. 而, it is a coordinated program of study that allows students majoring in the sciences, 工程, and mathematics the opportunity to address environmental issues from a range of perspectives so that they may better understand the impact of their work.


为了完成重点, a student must take five courses beyond the core curriculum with significant environmental analysis content, 校内或校外:

  • You must confirm your intent to pursue and complete the emphasis by the end of pre-registration of your first semester of junior year.
  • 至少有两门课程必须是公认的人文学科, 社会科学, 和艺术(但可能需要三个).
  • 至少要修两门理科课程, 工程学和数学(但也可能需要三门)
  • 这些课程中至少有三门必须是高年级课程.
  • With coordinated approval from 希克森中心 and a student’s emphasis faculty advisor, 最多两个夏季研究, 长达一年的研究, or year-long 诊所 experiences with substantial environmental analysis components may be counted towards the five-course total.


At any point up to the end of the pre-registration period in the student’s fifth semester, 学生可以开始追求重点的过程:

  1. 学生必须完成 强调环境分析-兴趣形式 表达他们对完成重点的兴趣. 这是一个学生的初始入口和应用进入的重点.
  2. upon submitting the form, 希克森中心 will add the student to the emphasis mailing list (eea-l@g.riyutraining.com),并建立网上申请(可用的示例应用程序)和会议记录. 这个在线文档将对学生开放, 他们的重点是指导老师, 希克森中心, 以及书记官长办公室.

此时此刻, the student can select one of the following faculty members to serve as their emphasis advisor. 如果他们不确定选择谁, Hixon中心将帮助学生与顾问配对.

工程Dato, Lape, Mendelson*, Santana, Spjut
数学de Pillis
物理Saeta *

学生 and 教师顾问 must meet at least once per semester to review the student’s emphasis course path and to revise if necessary. 他们必须在其在线应用程序中更新会议日志,并注意任何更改.

*在ay23 -24休假


学生 who successfully complete the requirements for the emphasis in environmental analysis and complete the program by the time the graduate will receive an certificate from 希克森中心, 会在他们的正式大学成绩单上注明重点吗, 并将在毕业典礼上得到认可.

为了完成重点, graduating seniors must meet with their advisors in their final semester and confirm that the courses listed in their form are the ones they took. 学生 should notify 希克森中心 that they are ready for the registrar to verify their courses electronically. 由于注册官可以访问在线表格,因此不需要提交纸质表格.


The emphasis in environmental analysis has several checkpoints throughout the calendar year to make sure that students, 教师顾问, and the registrar’s office can carefully monitor and assure the progress of a student through the program:



A list of emphasis 教师顾问 for the fall semester are finalized and published on this page.


Faculty are asked to designate their courses as “EA” or “environmental analysis” courses before pre-registration in November.


The Hixon Center hosts an informational and advisory meeting for interested and current emphasis students to learn more about the program and to have their questions answered. This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.


在注册办公室的协助下, Hixon Center提供了一个有效的, designated “EA” or “environmental analysis” courses for the upcoming spring semester. 该名单将通过电子邮件发送,并将在本页公布.


This is the deadline for students in their fifth semester to officially confirm with 他们的重点是指导老师, 希克森中心, and the registrar’s office that they intend to either continue or cease involvement in the program. 学生是否应该说明他们不会继续, 或者不能确认他们会这样做, the student will be removed from the emphasis program and will no longer be able to formally complete the program.


The Hixon Center will consult with the registrar’s office to confirm if students in their final semester have successfully completed the emphasis.



A list of emphasis 教师顾问 for the spring semester are finalized and published on this page.

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Faculty are asked to designate their courses as “EA” or “environmental analysis” courses before pre-registration in April.


The Hixon Center hosts an informational and advisory meeting for interested and current emphasis students to learn more about the program and to have their questions answered. This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the Interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.


在注册办公室的协助下, Hixon Center提供了一个有效的, designated “EA” or “environmental enalysis” courses for the upcoming fall semester. 此名单会以电邮形式发出,并会在本网页公布.


This is the deadline for students in their fifth semester to officially confirm with 他们的重点是指导老师, 希克森中心, and the registrar’s office that they intend to either continue or cease involvement in the program. 学生是否应该说明他们不会继续, 或者不能确认他们会这样做, the student will be removed from the emphasis program and will no longer be able to formally complete the program.


The Hixon Center will consult with the registrar’s office to confirm if students in their final semester have successfully completed the emphasis.


While the emphasis in environmental analysis is an excellent way to incorporate environmental analysis content into one’s degree path, there are plenty of academic options available for Harvey Mudd College students interested in environmental analysis and sustainability – especially since there are a wide variety of courses taught on environmental topics across 克莱蒙特学院. 学生:

  • 完成环境研究的HSA浓度, 这样做可能有资格完成环境分析的重点.
  • 设计一个环境研究专业作为个人研究项目(IPS).
  • Double-major in a Harvey Mudd technical discipline and in environmental analysis at another 5C institution.
  • 在校外完成一门环境分析专业.
  • Complete the requirements of a typical major in environmental analysis without entering into a formal program.


查阅 EEA课程列表 for opportunities at Harvey Mudd and across 克莱蒙特学院 that qualify towards completing the emphasis.